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Cavalcavia Bussa

This project proposal had the ambition to inject new life into the obsolete artefact of Cavalcavia Bussa, a unfinished infrastructure bridging over the railroad yard of Stazione Garibaldi, in downtown Milan, Italy, with a new mix of urban functions dealing with the increasing demand for sustainable mobility, the offer of public space, the collective uses of urban agriculture, sport facilities and playgrounds, commercial areas and a double deck bike station. Promoting such a program aims to ignite a transformative placemaking process that, giving back to the city a severely underutilized spot, converts it into a full-fledged piece of vibrant, open, multi-sensory and socially inclusive urban fabric. In a city whose urban quality has been gradually eroded by the voracious presence of the car, the concept stems from the idea of envisioning a high quality public space, accessible to those who choose to move at reduced speed on foot, by bike, with the baby stroller, and those who -disabled, elder etc- are usually excluded from a fluid use of space for personal mobility deficits.

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